Payrun Options

The Payrun area of the Payroll function provides all the options you need to process a payrun and associated operations.

The Payrun Wizard is the central point for processing payroll. The wizard guides you step-by-step through the processes required to complete a payrun, from setting payrun dates through to data entry, payrun update and other post-update tasks. The payrun section also includes other related functions such as Centrelink reporting and Superannuation export.

Accessing the Payrun functions:

  1. In Navigator select Payroll | Payrun
    This will expand the Payrun node, giving you a choice of functions within Payroll.
  2. Choose the function that you need from the following:

Payrun Failsafes

The Payrun function in payroll contains several failsafes that protect against the duplication or changing of payrun information:

Payrun Locking

Payrun locking is designed for those companies who operate payroll with multiple users. Payrun locking prevents two users editing an employee in the same payrun at the same time. Locking manifests itself in several different ways:

Adding employees to the payrun: While an employee is being edited in the payrun, other users will not be able to see that employee in the employee pool.

Removing employees from the pay: A user cannot remove an employee from the payrun if they are being edited by another user. The system will produce an error stating that the employee is currently locked.

Updating the payrun: If two users edit the same employee in the payrun, when one user tries to update the payrun will return a duplicate employee error message. One user must remove their employee before the payrun can be updated.